Bidbor’Out – Covid-19 Protective Measures
We will be seamless with the school’s policies and procedures to make sure
all of the government’s protective measures are followed in order to keep
everyone safe.
Children with symptoms of Covid-19 are not allowed in the club.
The general symptoms are: a new continuous cough, high temperature and/
or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
The children will be kept in their bubbles in our breakfast and after school
The distance between bubbles will be 2 meters.
Door and windows will be kept open where possible.
Children will stay outside most of the time if the weather permits. Please be
sure that your child has a warm rain coat every day.
Children need to wash their hands regularly. Sanitisers and tissues will be
Children will use appointed toilets. Toilets will be cleaned regularly during the
Tables and all regularly touched surfaces will be cleaned regularly during the
Separate toys and equipment will be provided for each bubble.
All toys and equipment will be disinfected at the end of the session.
Snacks will be delivered to each child after being prepared by a Food
Hygiene trained member of staff.
If any child is unwilling to follow the rules he/she may not be allowed to attend
future sessions.
Please speak with your child before coming to the club and be sure that your
child is capable of following the club rules relating to protective measures,
such as
– not mixing with children in other year groups
– washing their hands regularly
– coughing and sneezing into a tissue and disposing of it safely
– not touching other children
We ask that parents maintain a 2 meter distance at the gate.
We will use a contactless thermometer if we think that the child is unwell.
We ask that parents pick up their child/ren asap if the child becomes unwell in
the club.
The unwell child will be isolated from the other children in a well ventilated
room. One member of staff will wear PPE and stay with this child until he/she
will be picked up by their parent.


We are open from Monday till Thursday, school terms only.
Charges and cancellations
We charge for the time you booked even if you pick your child up earlier.
If you are late we will charge you for the actual time your child attends.
We need one week’s notice of any cancellation in order to qualify for a refund.
We will charge you for unattended sessions if you give us less than one weeks
If a temporary place has been booked and is no longer required, the club must be
given 48 hours notice. If notice is not given, the place will still be charged for.
If your child is sick and not attending the school we will not charge you, but you
must inform us as well as informing the school. Also you can cancel the sibling(s)
attendance and incur no charge.

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