Newsletter June 2015

Newsletter June 2015

First of all we would like to thank all parents and children at Bidborough School for supporting our venture during this our first year.

We believe it’s been a great success – we’ve looked after 60 children from 44 different families have attended our club – that’s about 1/3rd of the whole school.

Most importantly the children are benefiting hugely in terms of increased confidence, sociability, enthusiasm and willingness to try new things, even new food. The biggest successes being the free play sessions and Wednesdays in the Woods with Dr.Francis.

A couple of things going forward, one pressing operational issue and the other in response to help those of you planning for the next school year…


As the weather has become hotter (and this week a heatwave is forecast!) the children need to apply suncream. We have Soltan (Boots own) suncream SPF50 in our club. If you would like to provide your own suncream, or your child needs help to apply it, just let us know.

Please could ALL parents complete and return to us a Permission to apply Sunscreen Form as soon as possible, you can pick one up from the school office or print one off from our website…

2015/16 School Year

Going forward we want to be able to operate at the same hourly rate – £5 during the next school year. But, we think you should all understand that we have operated at a financial loss since starting and much of this is due to the fact we’ve not charged anything for feeding the children, and honestly – we’ve found they need re-fuelling, in some cases quite significantly!

We will continue (and are required) to provide fresh, healthy and nutritionally balanced snacks and meals, this is important for the health and development of the children, we hope you agree and value this.

So the one change we will make going forward, from September is to charge £1.50 per snack and £1.50 per hot tea in an attempt to help cover our costs for the food.

We must insist that all children staying with us at snack time – 3.15 (4.15 from Clubs) and hot tea time 5.30 will consume only the club’s food. We hope you understand that it’s not possible to bring their own food or snacks as it potentially distracts other children and most likely would not be fresh after being in a lunch box or bottom of a bag during a long school day.


We would like to ask your opinion and give us your feedback…

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